dissolve weekend retreat

Amongst rolling green hills & a vast open country exists a geometric dome & spacious bell tents.

Down-to-earth & unassuming fresh spring countryside: landscape perfected for resting & resetting.

Dissolve layers of stress, tension & overwhelm you didn’t realise were keeping you stuck, not just for the weekend but for every day after that.

October 18th - 20th 2024

1.5 hours from Newcastle, 3 hours from Sydney. Address given upon full payment.

Early bird sold out.

More information below.

What to expect -

// Explore & deeply embody the three pillars of releasing stress from your body (body-based stress release): release, restoration, resilience.

// Learn to effortlessly dissolve stress, tension, overwhelm, tiredness & fatigue from your body in your daily life without needing massages, yoga classes or long, complicated practices.

// Build your capacity & tolerance for stress, anxiety & overwhelm through somatic resilience practices to move through life more easefully.

// Learn to turn towards uncomfortable feelings & situations with openness & compassion.

// Morning yoga & guided intuitive movement to gain a deeper connection of what your body needs. Build an understanding of when to rest & when to push through.

// Luxurious, supported deep rest sessions every night including breath work, yin, Yoga Nidra & dreamy sound baths. A reminder to rest for no reason at all.

// Detailed workbook to support integration & reflection following the retreat. 

// Follow-up online group call & practice one month post-retreat to ask any emerging questions & support your integration of the workshops content in daily life.

// Deliciously nourishing vegetarian Ayurvedic meals all included.

// Nature walks, fire-side chats & easeful down-time in a stunning location.

// Two nights, three days glamping style accommodation. Choice to share with a friend or partner or have the whole, glorious bell tent solo.

Pour into yourself & the rest will come

Remember who you are when you’re actually rested

Give yourself the energy you need to make it through the rest of the year

Shift your system to release stress, anxiety & overwhelm for the long-term

Create space for a fresh perspective & a more optimistic outlook

Pour into yourself, for once, and see what comes

Twin Share.


Early bird sold out.

Zip pay available.

Scroll down to the bottom of the checkout page & select “pay without link.”

2 month payment plan available until 16th August.

To twin share with a friend or partner, please pop their name in the box when booking.

Solo Tent.


BYO Camping.

Caravan, Van or Tent.


Why I created this retreat -

In the mundane monotony of everyday life, we hope for lasting change but only get so far.

Stuck in the grind, we question the hamster wheel but can’t seem to jump off.

Caught between craving finally being the one who is supported, but grappling with the guilt of taking time for yourself, we wait until we’re at breaking point & then it’s too late…

I know it feels scary to invest in yourself - especially when you’ve been giving, giving, giving. Especially when you kind of forget who you are if you’re not tending to everyone else. 

I would know - this is the weekend I never allowed myself to have.

An artful balance of learning the skill body-based stress release & remembering to rest for no reason at all, you’ll learn to dissolve stress & tension from your body without needing to rely on long or complicated practices.

My offerings have been described as “many sessions of therapy without having to tell my story or talk about my past.”

In two nights & three days, we have time for rest, play & deep work, all of which combine to form your deepest change yet.

If you have any questions, please reach out to hello@briannaattard.com


"You have a very special way of creating a space where you really want to be in the moment."

- Christina.

This retreat is for you if -

  • You’re tired of finding yourself stuck in cycles of stress, burnout & overwhelm

  • You want to guide yourself out of a rut without having to go around in circles talking about issues without making progress

  • You feel stuck in fight-or-flight & feel shame or embarrassment through repeating unhelpful behaviours & patterns

  • You’re looking to improve your physical & emotional well-being for the long-term with achievable tools & skills that actually stick

  • You want to support your physical & mental health outside of talk therapy or medication

  • You’re a mental health or community worker interested in body-based approaches to well-being for yourself or your clients

  • You’re a yoga teacher with a curiosity in somatics & mental health 

Honest Words from Past Workshops & Retreats.

"A one-day retreat was like the deepest therapy I’ve ever had without having to talk about my issues or go into my past.”

— L.

"I got so much out of it… I really enjoyed the way you structured it… I truly think we could've listened to you for another 60 minutes - everyone was so wrapt & attentive & I think that’s such a rare thing in those kinds of workshops. I was so impressed & inspired.

— S.

"What a spectacular event. So indulgent! So blissed out. I really really really loved it."

— L.

"Thank you for everything that you do. It is very much appreciated & I feel like I have someone in my corner cheering me on & supporting me with my mental health."

— T.

"You have such a clear & down to earth way of explaining things. Just what I needed after a few months of feeling out of my body"

— R.

"Thank you for Sunday's workshop. It was fun!! And felt good!! Your personality & presenting style was so warm & familiar. You are so good at what you do. I'll be keeping an eagle eye out for your next offering...

— D.

"It was so great to finally learn some amazing practical ways to ACTUALLY help me [when I’m anxious]. I truly feel a sense of relief to have this practical knowledge & learn from you. You can see how much you deeply care about sharing this knowledge & helping others, and given your own experiences you also explain it all & empathise so well.”

— A.

"I was so inspired & have been journalling all weekend! Was such a great session! … Such a shift in perspectives. Such a magic session."

— B.

"It was really a fantastic afternoon. I'm really excited to put everything I learned into practice."

— K.

"I don’t attend much yoga these days, but your classes are on a different level to other offerings."

— L.

"I’m so very glad I found your work. It’s started the way for me to be so much more at home in my body. I’m very grateful for all that you share.”

— K.

"I used some of the [tools] from Dissolve this morning when I was getting SO anxious & flighty before a job interview... I was actually able to bring myself back… so I could actually be okay and safe in who I was & how I was feeling! And then to go ahead & do the thing that was causing me to stress spiral with that extra space. Such a little thing but it feels huge… This stuff is it!"

— M.

Meet your facilitator -

Hello! I’m Brianna.

I’ve been creating & running psychoeducational & therapeutic group programs for over 7 years. Something really special always seems to unfold in groups.

I’ve worked with people experiencing complex trauma, mental health challenges including acute psychosis, child removal & domestic violence.

I’ve also worked with young people, veterans & emergency service personnel.

My work combines mental health tools, nervous system retraining, somatic approaches to healing & the wisdom of yoga.

I can’t wait to meet you.